onboarding_mortgage | Mexico Mortgage Hub


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Home Address

Current Employer Information

Business reference

# First Name Last Name Phone Relation
1 *

Additional Information

Are you currently licensed as a Mortgage broker or sub-mortgage broker/agent? If so, in which province(s) are you licensed?
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?
Are you currently, or have you ever been involved in any legal action within the last 5 years?



This agent agreement is entered this [day] day of [month], [year] (this “Agreement”)

CREDITARIA FINANCIAL GROUP CORP. (hereinafter referred to as “Creditaria”


A resident in the city of: [city] in the Province/Territory of: [province] (hereinafter referred to as “Associate”)


WEEHEREAS Creditaria, have agreements with several financial institutions and investors in Mexico to fund mortgages in Mexico for international buyers.

AND WHEREAS Creditaria has agreed to enter into this independent Associate agreement with the Associate, whereupon the Agent will provide services as an independent seller of these Mortgages in Mexico with the financial institutions represented by Creditaria, on behalf of Creditaria.

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, Creditaria and the Associate agree as follows:


1.       SERVICES. Creditaria agrees to engage the Associate and the Associate agrees to deliver the services set out in this Agreement, on the terms and conditions set out herein (the “Services”).

2.       APPLICABLE BUSINESS. The Agreement shall govern all business that the Associate places with Creditaria from any province in Canada or the United States of America. The Associate shall submit to Creditaria request for funding and mortgage applications, and Creditaria shall accept such applications from the Associate, provided that same are submitted in accordance with any applicable guidelines required by the financial institution to complete the evaluation process. Creditaria shall submit such applications on behalf of the Associate by way of its “back office” system or other means accepted by the financial institution.

3.       CERTIFICACION. The Associate shall hold a valid sub-mortgage broker or mortgage broker by their respective provincial regulator during the Term (as hereinafter defined), and shall ensure that all of its agents/brokers involved in the transaction of business for, or on behalf of the Associate, are properly licensed. Associate shall provide Creditaria with certified copy of this licenses/certificates if requested by Creditaria and shall maintain such licenses/certificates through Creditaria back office. The cost of the mortgage broker’s/agent’s license, any additional fees to satisfy provincial licensing requirements, shall be at the sole cost and expense of the Associate.

4.       REPRESENTATION. The Associate acknowledges that in the placement of business with Creditaria under this Agreement, the Associate shall act on behalf of their clients. The Associate acknowledges and agrees that the responsibility of selling and servicing accounts rests with the Associate. The Associate shall report promptly as directed by Creditaria on all transactions by Associate or any modifications/requirements thereof.

5.       COMISSION.  As compensation for business placed with, accepted and funded by a financial institution, the Associate shall be entitled to receive a commission based on the mortgage amount in accordance with the commission guidelines listed in Creditaria’s back office. Creditaria reserves the right to change its commission guidelines in its absolute discretion. Whenever possible, Creditaria will provide notice of any such changes, in writing, at least two weeks prior to same. No commission or other compensation shall be paid to the associate unless all required licenses and/or registrations, required by this Agreement and/or by applicable laws have been provided to Creditaria via the back office profile. If any such licenses and/or registrations have not been uploaded as required, no compensation shall be paid to the Associate until same has been completed.

6.       PROHIBITION OF SALES. In the sole and absolute discretion of Creditaria, Creditaria may temporarily prohibit the submission of applications/business by the Associate pending a period of investigation applicable to the activities of the Associate. If any regulatory body governing the Associate mandates a longer investigation period that that established by Creditaria, such period shall apply and the Associate shall comply with same. While an investigation es pending, or otherwise, holds placed by Creditaria or by an insurer may affect the submission of new applications, declaration of new business and/or release of commissions and, to any such extent, Associate agrees to comply with same.

7.       ADVERTISING APPROVAL. The Associate shall submit to Creditaria for prior approval in writing via Creditaria’s back office all advertising, listings, or other printed material of any kind which includes Creditaria’s or Mexico Mortgage Hub’s name, logo and/or designs or its financial institution’s names, insignia or logos. The Associate shall not utilize/publish any such materials prior to receiving approval from Creditaria. Written notice should be given at least two weeks in advance of the date needed for material approval.

8.       LIMITATIONS OF ASSOCIATE; RELATIONSHIP. This agreement is not intended and will not be construed to make either party a joint venturer, partner, employee or servant of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Associate shall have no power or authority to bind Creditaria or to assume or create any obligations or responsibility, express or implied, on Creditaria’s behalf or in its name, nor will the Associate represent to anyone that the Associate has such power or authority.

9.       EXPENSES; TAXES. The Associate shale bear sole responsibility for all od the Associate’s expenses accrued in carrying out the Services. The Associate recognizes and agrees that, as an independent Associate, it is responsible for and is required to pay on its behalf and on behalf of its employees, all payments, taxes and/or levies to any federal, provincial, or local agency or body. Such payments may include, but are not limited to, income tax, employment insurance premiums, Canada Pension Plan premiums, and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board premiums. All such contributions, deductions and remittances shall be the sole responsibility of the Associate.

10.   LIABILITIES. Creditaria is not liable for any looses incurred due to fraudulent actions and misconduct of the Associate. The Associate will be accountable for any legal action taken against them.

11.   NON-DISPARAGEMENT. The Associate acknowledges and agrees that, during the Term and following termination of this Agreement for any reason, he/she shall not make any negative or disparaging statements or any statements that could be construed as disparaging or negative (whether verbal, in writing or any electronic form) regarding Crediataria or Mexico Mortgage Hub, its business operations, services, products, employees, directors, officers, or affiliates.

12.   NON-SOLICITATION. The Associate shall not during the Term and for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of the termination of this Agreement, either directly or indirectly, enter into an agreement with or solicit the employment of employees of other associates, agents or Associates of Creditaria for the purposes of causing them to leave the employment of, or contract with Creditaria or taking employment, or providing services, with any business that is in competition in any manner whatsoever with the business of Creditaria.


a.       No Existing Contract. The Associate represents and warrants to Creditaria that there exists no agreement or contract that prohibits the Associate form providing services to Creditaria or from performing the duties assigned to the Associate pursuant to this agreement.

b.       Covenants. The Associate hereby covenants and agrees that, in provision of the Services:

                                                               i.      The Associate shall not provide to Creditaria or use any trade secrets, confidential information or other proprietary information of any third party; and,

                                                             ii.      The Associate shall not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third party; and,

                                                           iii.      The Associate shall not breach any legal obligation owing to any third party.

c.       Consequences of Breach. The associate acknowledges and agrees that a breach of this Section shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. The Associate undertakes and agrees to defend and indemnify Creditaria and hold Creditaria harmless, at the Associate’s sole cost and expense, from and against all claims, demands, suits, losses, costs, damages and expenses that Creditaria may sustain or incur by reason of any breach or alleged breach by the Associate of his/her obligations set forth in this Section 13.


a.       TERM. This agreement shall commence on the effective date and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated in accordance with this Section 14 (the “Term).

b.       TERMINATION WITHOUT NOTICE. Either party may terminate this agreement immediately with cause upon written notification to the other party of such termination. Such notice shall state the cause with specificity. The term “cause” shall include without limitation, any one or more of the following:

                                                               i.      A party’s indictment or conviction of any felony, fraud, or any crime under the Criminal Code of Canada, Mexico or the United States.

                                                             ii.      The intentional misappropriation by a party of funds, or property of another party, or funds or property of cany client.

                                                           iii.      The cancellation or refusal to renew by the issuing mortgage broker regulatory authority any license, certificate or other regulatory approval required in order for a party to perform its duties under this Agreement.

                                                           iv.      Loss of any licenses required by the Associate under this Agreement, for any reason.

c.       TERMINATION WITH NOTICE. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other party. Such notice shall state the cause with specificity. The term “cause” shall include without limitation, any one or more of the following:

                                                               i.      Violation of Creditaria’s policies and procedures.

                                                             ii.      Violation of the Creditaria’s Business Standards, enclosed with this Agreement.

15.   EFFECT OF TERMINATION. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, the Associate and Creditaria hereby agree that:

a.       Creditaria will no longer accept any new business or contracting from the Associate.

b.       All supplies furnished to the Associate by Creditaria, including, but not limited to, pamphlets, handouts, and merchandise, shall be returned to Creditaria within thirty (30) days following the effective date of termination.

c.       If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 14 (c), during the applicable thirty (30) day notice period, the Associate shall not have access to the back office nor be able to submit any new business.

16.   NO ASSIGNMENT. Neither this Agreement nor any right, interest, duty or obligation hereunder may be assigned, transferred or delegated by the Associate without the express consent of Creditaria, which consent may be withheld in the discretion of Creditaria.

17.   INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. The Associate acknowledges and agrees that if the Associate breaches any of his/her obligations under this Agreement, Creditaria would suffer irreparable harm, and that legal action may be inadequate in recouping the losses incurred. The Associate agrees that in the event of a breach, or threatened breach of this Agreement, Creditaria is entitled to injunctive relief or a ruling of specific performance of this Agreement, as well as any other remedies available under law, and without the necessity to prove irreparable harm or special damages.

18.   SURVIVAL. Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15 through 20 of this Agreement shall continue in effect without restriction following the cessation of this Agreement for any reason.

19.   NOTIFICATION. All notices to the Associate from Creditaria shall be addressed to the associate at home or email address identified by the Associate in Creditaria’s back office. It is the responsibility of the Associate to immediately notify Creditaria of any change in their identified personal information (home address/email/phone number, etc) via their back office profile. All notices to Creditaria from the Associate shall be addressed to Creditaria’s registered  head office address.


a.       This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable therein and shall be treated, in all respects as a British Columbia contract. The parties hereby attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of British Columbia.

b.       If any provision in this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, such invalidity or unenforceability shall attach only to such provision or part and the remaining part of such provision and all other provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect.

c.       Any failure by either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any provisions of this Agreement

d.       No amendment shall be valid or binding unless in writing and executed by both parties. No waiver of breach of any term of this Agreement shall be binding unless made in writing and executed by the party providing the waiver.



·         I will always be honest in my Creditaria business dealings. I understand that no one can authorize or require me to make a dishonest statement.

·         I will always be professional and respectful in my Creditaria business dealings. I will not engage in discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by law, and will not engage in any form of harassment.

·         I will work in compliance with the regulatory duties expected of me, as defined by Creditaria and my provincial regulator.

·         I will always represent Creditaria honestly and fairly to potential buyers or customers.

·         I understand that Creditaria offers the chance to earn income and opportunity for advancement and financial growth, but that my actual advancement and financial growth are based solely on my own efforts and ability. Neither Creditaria nor any Creditaria Employee/Associate can guarantee my success, advancement or income.

·         I will solicit/refer Creditaria and Mexico Mortgage Hub financial products and services they offer through partnership using only those advertisements and sales/recruiting materials that at the time are approved by Creditaria.

·         I will not borrow money form a client.

·         I will immediately notify Creditaria of any criminal or civil matter (pending or otherwise) or regulatory inquiry or proceeding in which I am involved.

·         I will immediately notify Creditaria of any written client complaints, allegations of misconduct or suspicious activity.

·         I understand the importance of protecting the privacy of client information and will keep all record confidential.

·         I understand that while most of the time I will be dealing with clients face-to-face, there will be times when I will be communicating with clients via alternate means (telephone, e-meeting, etc). I agree to comply with all applicable “Do Not Call” (“DNC”) laws whenever communicating by telephone in my business.

·         As a member of the Creditaria Financial Group Corp. sales force, I am an independent Associate, and not an employee of Creditaria Financial Group Corp.

·         I understand that I am not required to purchase any products or services to be member of Creditaria sales force.

·         Inaccurate ir incomplete information given in response to any Qualification Question or in any other section of my registration as an Associate, will constitute a basis for termination.

·         I will note engage in any business or activity that would jeopardize my integrity, independence or competence.

·         I will not offer any inducement or use of coercion or undue influence, and I will not coerce or purpose, directly or indirectly, a prospective client through the influence of a professional or business relationship otherwise in order to control, direct or secure business.

·         I will disclose in writing to a client or prospective client, any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest that may be associated with a transaction or recommendation by having the client sign an Advisor Disclosure Form.


I read and agree.



Signature must be identical to your Legal Name

(Typing name is equivalent to a handwritten signature)



I hereby certify that all information shown above is accurate, current and true. I am appointed by Creditaria Financial Group Corp. any misstatement may result in the termination of this agreement. If accepted, I agree to comply with the rules and regulations outlined by Creditaria Financial Group Corp. and those regulations applicable to the companies that I will be associated with.

I authorize, to the fullest extent permitted by law that Creditaria Financial Group Corp. communicate with individuals and organizations (including, but not limited to former employers, business, personal references and credit inspections), to verify my history and personal credentials, and to obtain other data that may help verify my qualifications.

I consent that the information provided above be used for commission purposes, income tax, and background checks. It will not be distributed to any outside sources without my consent.



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Pay $ 249.90 CAD | 1 year